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Friday, December 2, 2011

A Christmas Quilt Story...

~ Once upon a time... ~ 
     There was a quilter whose dear husband WENT WITH HER to one of her favorite quilt shops.  He looked around the shop, spied an adorable quilt on the wall and said,
     "I know you have a couple of quilts in the works, but we don't have a Christmas Quilt.  Why don't you make that one, it's great."

     So she smiled sweetly (thinking, "Oh, a couple.......dozen"), but she was thrilled and bought the book, "Friends for Christmas" by Australian designer, Lynette Anderson.  Then she purchased a kit for each block, plus the finishing kit - borders, binding, buttons.  (As they say in those parts, "SPENDY!")  She brought the quilt home, adapted it to her taste (no penguins), and made the quilt top.  Her husband was so pleased.  

     The quilter planned to quilt it with her new longarm quilting machine, but wanted to wait until her quilting was "good enough".  Then she became busy quilting for clients.  She thought that she would have a little time to quilt it after the holidays, but that was 6-1/2 years ago.  The work never really slowed down, so that adorable quilt top is STILL waiting its turn, along with a dozen or so more of "The Unquilted".  But year after year, the quilter and her husband hang that great little Christmas quilt anyway, sometimes even using a glue stick to attach the tiny bells and buttons.

Maybe this year, things will slow down after the holidays.

Now, let's head on over to SewCalGal's 2011 Christmas Quilt Show and check out all the other fabulous Winter and Christmas quilts!  Let the Merryment begin!

Merry Christmas!!


  1. Had to laugh at the glued bits with the hanging! I have a friend who did this quilt - YOU must finish as it is a treasure.

  2. Ha, ha. I think you need to give this quilt a number in your line up. It is so cute and if your hubby loves it too - well you can't beat that! It is a lovely quilt, even without the embellishments.

  3. This is well worth putting on the top of that list , it is so sweet!

  4. such a topper - so cute! do move it to the top of the to do stack!

  5. This is so beautiful...maybe it will make it to the front of the line after Christmas so it will be ready for next year! It's just beautiful!

  6. Darling quilt! Enjoyed the story. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I love it!
    Patty Wilcox

  8. It's lovely. I love the reindeer putting the star on the tree.

  9. Oh, your quilt is adorable, and what a sweet hubby to pick, pay for, and admire your project! LOL

  10. That is such a cute quilt! You definitely need to find time to quilt it. :O)

  11. Oh yes, have we all been there or what? :-) It's adorable, and I am sure will be a treasure once it comes out of the PIGS (project in grocery sack) for good! Heck only 6 1/2 years it's still young!


  12. Well I hope we get to see this next year and a new story about how it got finished :) It is such a cute quilt, really you have to quilt it. You need to take the time for you. You know you're good enough to quilt it now right ?!

  13. Cute, cute but please take the time to get it finished! It deserves it and it is way past time.

  14. Cute story...and one I'm afraid we can all relate to!

  15. that was a very cute story :) what a great hubby to even point out something in a quilt store to buy right? LOL beautiful quilt! How is the Choir going?

  16. What a terrific Christmas quilt that will no doubt have special meaning for years to is festive..oh.yes- and a beaut.

  17. I do love Lyn Anderson's designs. This is a gorgeous quilt. It's great that you chose it together.

  18. Ya know, if you wait long enough it will be a tradition the hang the UNquilted quilt...LOL...Love the story and the quilt!

  19. Heee!!! The only Christmas quilt we have is most of the blocks from an art quilt that get pinned up each year. ;D This year I plan to finish the last of the blocks so I can assemble the top.

    This is a fantastic quilt - your hubby chose well. :)

  20. Your quilt is sure to bring smiles to the faces of those who see it, as it did to me. Love it.

  21. Can you tell the part of the story where you describe HOW you got DH to go into the quilt store with you?? I could use some instruction on that part...

  22. It is adorable - quilted or not!!!

  23. what a really fun quilt!! Nice work.

  24. Love the story of your husband picking out the quilt! When it is finished it will be a very fond memory -- well it is now too! Beautiful quilt! Thanks for sharing! Really enjoying hopping around to see all the beautiful quilts!

  25. Love it, quilted or not! LOL!

  26. It IS a great quilt - I was always waiting until my applique skills got better! My tree skirt was under the tree unfinished too!

    Great story

    doni @ Oregon coast

  27. Oh my gosh! You HAVE to quilt this one right away! It is SO CUTE!

    Love the story too. It made me chuckle.

  28. Oh that is a wonderful quilt and you will feel so happy when you get it all done. Good work!

  29. what a fun design - and a great (very familiar to all quilters) story!

  30. What a sweet quilt! Don't feel badly about not having quilted it yet. I still haven't finished my Son and DIL's WEDDING quilt (5 12 years ago!). My very first resolution for the upcoming year: Get 'er DONE!

  31. wow this quilt is amazing! I'm searching for the perfect pattern for my first christmas quilt... i'll think this is the one!
    thank's for the inspiration

  32. Very fun! Thank you for sharing it!

  33. Really great fun. I like quilts that make me smile

  34. Very cute, but what do you have against penguins!? I love penguins!

  35. so cute, you just need to finish it as it will surely be a treasure memory

  36. I love it! Especially the sleigh - you'll have it for many years to come!

  37. Do not wait, or hesitate! Do it, do it! I love it, and imagine it finished! Hugs

  38. Your quilt top is so beautiful that it really needs to be finished.Besides the story behing it is so lovely.

  39. I laughed when I read your post. I love this quilt and I bought it as a BOM "several" years ago and it is still in the separate bags that it came in month by month..why haven't I made it? Because I'm always trying to get other things done least yours is together and you enjoy it, even if you do have to use a little glue now and then, I wish mine was that far along. :)

  40. Such a darling quilt. Just my style. Thanks for sharing.

  41. I don't want to say that I hope things slow down for you, but I do hope that you find time to quilt this one! Your story made me smile :-)

  42. The cutest of cute! Great story, thank you for sharing this.

  43. Oh, those reindeer are too cute! I would love to see it when it's quilted!

  44. Какая замечетельная рождественская работа!

  45. I think it needs to get quilted quick, before all others, and wrapped and given to said husband, he will love it even more. I did that with my first quilt, my husband got it for our anniversary, and he likes it on the bed all the time.

  46. Did you ever finish really is lovely as is the story lol

  47. I can finally say it is finished - nearly three years later...

    1. Here's the finished quilt:


So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!